
Rozhodčí z GB

20.02.2012 11:30

I pro letošní ročník Staffího dne 2012, který se bude konat ve dnech 2.-3.6.2012, pro Vás kennel Fransimo Bohemia zajistila, jako již ve dvou předešlých ročnících, výborného rozdočího, chovatele, aktivního handlera - tentokráte pana CRAIG STOKES /kennel Oxstoks/. Pozvání přijala i jeho manželka Marie Stokes, která také perfektně rozumí našemu plemeni. Oba dva jsou aktivními členy klubu v Birminghamu... I s těmito chovateli bude probíhat přednáška /seminář/ jako každoročně na téma Staffordshire bull terrier, novinky v chovu, otázky okolo výstav a vystavování atd.... Tak, že si připravte vaše otázky k těmto zkušeným chovatelům. Obdrželi jsme i několik ilustrativních fotografií, které máte možnost shlédnout i vy, návštěvníci našeho webu.

A co nám o sobě v krátkosti napsali, aby se všem, kteří se s nimi potkáte, představili ?

Viz níže:

Hi Simona and Petr,

We are looking forward to our visit to you in June,  here is a little summary of Craig for your website and I have attached some picture.
Hello my name is Craig Stokes  along with my wife Marie we bought our first Stafford in 2000 and soon fell in love with the breed,
this made us want another and in 2006 we took delivery of Lucky Luck Lass of Oxstoks we started showing and she did quite well in the show ring gaining Crufts qualification and also her Stud Book number in 2011.
In 2007 Kriskat Ace of Spades of Oxstoks joined our family he also did well in shows.
In 2008 we decided to breed Lucky Lucy Lass of Oxstoks to Jaggstaff St Elmo's Fire shcm and they produced Oxstoks MisterBoo,
Oxstoks TickaytiBoo and Oxstoks Jack-a-Boo. We kept Oxstoks MisterBoo and TickaytiBoo, with Oxstoks MisterBoo doing well in showing gaining Crufts qualification on his first show out.
2010 we breed Oxstoks TickaytiBoo with Herodotos Sodamtuff which produced a lovely litter of 2 dogs Oxstoks Fransimonbohemia, Oxstoks Ross's Pride, 2 bitches Oxstoks Minnieboo and Oxstoks Bettyboo. Oxstoks Fransimonbohemia is activily being shown by Simona and Petr Lahodova and is doing very well.
Also in 2010 we became  active members of The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Parent Club where we help run the Ringcraft/Handling club every Thursday night and also The SBT Exhibition Group were we opened a Museum dedicated to the history of our beautiful breed.
2011 we breed Oxstoks TickaytiBoo with Sharoc Ontario which produced a wonderful litter of 3 dogs Oxstoks Jeffs Tipple, Oxstoks Alex's Pride, Oxstoks Jakes Image and 2 Bitches Oxstoks Cherry Blossom and Oxstoks Brandy Snaps. We kept Oxstoks Cherry Blossom and look forward to seeing how her show career goes she as qualified for Crufts for 2012.
I am currently a active committee member of Birmingham Gundog and Terrier Society were we organise 2 shows a year.
I started judging in 2010 and have all the Kennel Club qualifications needed to be a Judge.
I look forward to visiting and judging your Staffy Day in June 2012.
Regards Craig Stokes ( Oxstoks)
If you need any more information please let me know
Your Friends from Engand Marie and Craig Stokes